CBD Women in Business Network
This group is focused on bringing together women in business through a range of informal learning and networking events.
Hosted by the CBD Sydney Chamber of Commerce, the group comprises business owners, senior women in small and medium sized businesses, leaders and aspiring leaders who want to learn, share and grow both personally and professionally.
And while this network is focused on making meaningful connections among women. We also welcome men to participate and add to productive discussions.
Join us for the workshop over breakfast and networking
This Women in Business breakfast session will explore the important topic of ‘How can I communicate to build meaningful connection?’
In our often challenging and busy lives we can miss opportunities to communicate with others effectively or slow things down enough so that we can give true presence and focus. We are often taught that successful communication requires that we ‘fix’ others’ problems and yet research tells us that what is needed is more connected communication; that connection is at the heart of wellbeing.
In this interactive session, Dr Holi Birman will work with participants to explore the challenges that get in the way of authentic, connected communication as well as strategies that can make all the difference to building relationships, providing support and feeling understood by others.
You will have an opportunity to meet like-minded women as you take time to explore this important topic. These sessions are welcoming and supportive and participants will walk away having experienced the strength of meaningful communication in practice.
Dr. Holi Birman is a social researcher, mentor, speaker and educator with a background in, and curiosity about, relationships. In particular, she specialises in assisting those who are moving into and through change and transition. Drawing on her experience as a social researcher and health sociologist, Holi brings critical insight both to micro and macro relational dynamics across personal and workplace spheres.. She is also a Senior Associate with Brave People Solutions [https://bravepeoplesolutions.com.au/].- a business focused on creating impressive teams, inspiring leaders and great people.
Who Should Be Involved?
If you are a business owner, manager, hold or aspire to hold senior positions and interested in leadership, this is the network with which you should be involved. Everyone benefits from the content. If what we're doing sounds interesting, please join us. Members, Non-Members/Guests are welcome.