Time to Network and Learn
Tulsi van de Graaff [https://www.linkedin.com/in/tulsivandegraaff/], Partner with Brave People Solutions [https://bravepeoplesolutions.com.au/] is a communication and conflict expert, mediator and relationship therapist will facilitate together with Dr Holi Birman [https://www.linkedin.com/in/holi-birman-phd-7b2781b5/], Senior Associate with Brave People Solutions [https://bravepeoplesolutions.com.au/].
Tulsi specialises in solving the communication, conflict, conduct and culture challenges and creating impressive teams, people and inspiring leaders. Holi coaches and mentors challenged teams to resolve difficult and longstanding workplace conflict and conduct issues, and effectively manage change.
If you are a business owner, manager, hold or aspire to hold senior positions and interested in leadership, this is the network with which you should be involved. Everyone benefits from the content. If what we're doing sounds interesting, please join us. Members, Non-Members/Guests are welcome.
Chamber Sponsor and Corporate Members St George Bank [https://www.stgeorge.com.au/] [https://www.stgeorge.com.au/business]| BSI Learning [https://www.bsilearning.edu.au/]| Bank of Sydney [https://www.banksyd.com.au/] | Datasite [https://www.datasite.com/us/en.html] | De Lorenzo [https://www.delorenzo.com.au/] | Realise Business Academy [https://realisebusinessacademy.com.au/] | The Retail Doctor [https://retaildoctor.com.au/] | WeWork [https://www.wework.com/en-GB/buildings/333-george-st--sydney--NSW?utm_source=Google&utm_campaign=Organic&utm_medium=Listings] | Worklogic [https://www.worklogic.com.au/]
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