CBD Women in Business Network. Building More Meaningful Connections. 12 Oct 2023

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Event Description:

Building More Meaningful connections

This next session focuses on how to build more meaningful connections; as well as getting to know each other's business a little better and with networking over canapes and a glass of wine. The ambience will be totally Sydney. This evening session will be held on the deck overlooking Nurses Lane in The Rocks just a week after the start of daylight savings!

At The Terrace by Tayim

The Harbour Rocks Hotel is a beautiful heritage hotel located in the heart of The Rocks precinct with entry via Harrington St. We'll be meeting at The Terrace by Tayim - a bustling Arabian themed outdoor bar hidden in the laneways. This is a intimate space and transports you to the street of Tel Aviv with vibrant colours, sounds and flavours.

Time to Network and Learn
Tulsi van de Graaff [https://www.linkedin.com/in/tulsivandegraaff/], Partner with Brave People Solutions  [https://bravepeoplesolutions.com.au/] is a communication and conflict expert, mediator and relationship therapist will facilitate together with  Dr Holi Birman [https://www.linkedin.com/in/holi-birman-phd-7b2781b5/], Senior Associate with Brave People Solutions [https://bravepeoplesolutions.com.au/].

Tulsi specialises in solving the communication, conflict, conduct and culture challenges and creating impressive teams, people and inspiring leaders. Holi coaches and mentors challenged teams to resolve difficult and longstanding workplace conflict and conduct issues, and effectively manage change.

Who Should Be Involved?

If you are a business owner, manager, hold or aspire to hold senior positions and interested in leadership, this is the network with which you should be involved. Everyone benefits from the content.  If what we're doing sounds interesting, please join us. Members, Non-Members/Guests are welcome.

CBD Women in Business Network 
This group is focused on bringing together women in business through a range of informal learning and networking events. Hosted by the CBD Sydney Chamber of Commerce, the group comprises business owners, senior women in small and medium sized businesses, leaders and aspiring leaders who want to learn, share and grow both personally and professionally.

Presented by the CBD Sydney Chamber to connect businesses through events, training opportunities, business support services and an 24/7 digital member community platform. Morhere [https://cbdsydneychamber.com.au/Why-join].

Chamber Business Membership is $385 incl. GST for 12 months.

HERE [https://cbdsydneychamber.com.au/Member-Centre/Sign-Up]

Chamber Sponsor and Corporate Members  St George Bank [https://www.stgeorge.com.au/]  [https://www.stgeorge.com.au/business]BSI Learning  [https://www.bsilearning.edu.au/]Bank of Sydney [https://www.banksyd.com.au/] | Datasite [https://www.datasite.com/us/en.html] | De Lorenzo [https://www.delorenzo.com.au/] | Realise Business Academy [https://realisebusinessacademy.com.au/] | The Retail Doctor [https://retaildoctor.com.au/] | WeWork [https://www.wework.com/en-GB/buildings/333-george-st--sydney--NSW?utm_source=Google&utm_campaign=Organic&utm_medium=Listings] | Worklogic [https://www.worklogic.com.au/]

Sponsors of the CBD Women in Business Network 
St George Bank [https://www.stgeorge.com.au/]  [https://www.stgeorge.com.au/business]BSI Learning   [https://www.bsilearning.edu.au/]De Lorenzo Hair Care [https://www.delorenzo.com.au/salon-locator/?utm_source=WebBanner&utm_medium=WebBanner&utm_campaign=PSXmasPack&utm_id=PSXmasPack&utm_term=PSXmasPack&utm_content=PSXmasPack]

BSI Learning [https://www.bsilearning.edu.au/]   
Providing new training programs in HR, IT, Leadership, Project Management and Business Diplomas.

Business banking services to manage your banking business anywhere, any time.

Australian professional hair care products that use no animal ingredients or testing, all are vegan certified and accredited by Choose Cruelty Free (CCF), using plant-based and certified organic ingredients that are sustainably farmed and wild harvested where ever possible. 

With the support of

Event Media:

The Terrace at The Harbour Rocks Hotel
34 Harrington Street, The Rocks
Date/Time Information:
Thurs 12 Oct
5.30 pm - 7.30 pm
Wines and canapes are included.

CBD Sydney Chamber Members $35 + GST

Log into your Memberzone account to book using your email address and password. If you do not have a password you can set one up.

Guests & Non-Members  $45 + GST


Connecting, Engaging and Supporting Business

This is what we strive for at the CBD Sydney Chamber. Collaboration sits at the heart of what we value as a Chamber - supporting relationships and creating an engine-room for business opportunity.

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Printed courtesy of www.cbdsydneychamber.com.au/ – Contact the CBD Sydney Chamber of Commerce Limited for more information.
8 Chifley Square (corner Phillip St & Hunter St), Sydney, NSW 2000 – 02 9350 8103 – membership@cbdsydneychamber.com.au